Biografi al imam muslim biography

Imam muslim father name

His full name is Abu Al-Husayn Muslim ibn Al-Hajjaj ibn Muslim ibn Ward ibn Kushadh Al-Qushairy An-Naysabur. Imam Muslim considered as an outstanding and eminent authority of Hadith. He is one the leading scholars and memorizers of the Prophet’s (S.A.W.) narrations and Hadiths.

    Imam Muslim was an Islamic scholar from the city of Nishapur, particularly known as a muhaddith (scholar of hadith).
Abū al-Ḥusayn Muslim ibn al-Ḥajjāj ibn Muslim ibn Ward al-Qushayrī an-Naysābūrī [note 1] (Arabic: أبو الحسين مسلم بن الحجاج بن مسلم بن وَرْد القشيري النيسابوري; after – May CE / – AH), commonly known as Imam Muslim, was an Islamic scholar from the city of Nishapur.
    This Android application is an Explanation of the Purpose of the Biography of the Muslim Imam by Hanif Luthfi, Lc., MA. In PDF format.
Al-Imam Abul Husain Muslim bin al-Hajjaj al-Qusyairi an-Naisaburi (bahasa Arab: أبو الحسين مسلم بن الحجاج القشيري النيشابوري), atau sering dikenal sebagai Imam Muslim () dilahirkan pada tahun Hijriah dan meninggal dunia pada sore hari Ahad bulan Rajab tahun Hijriah dan dikuburkan di Naisaburi.

Imam muslim tomb

Muslim ibn al-Ḥajjāj (born c. , Nīshāpūr, Iran—died , Naṣrābād) was a scholar who was one of the chief authorities on the Ḥadīth, accounts of the sayings and deeds of the Prophet Muḥammad.

  • Biografi al imam muslim biography summary
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  • Biografi al imam muslim biography untuk
  • Biografi al imam muslim biography full
  • Biografi al imam muslim biography This is a biography of one of the Imams of the Muhaddithin, he is a scholar who used to act on his knowledge, setting an example for the Ummah.
    Biografi al imam muslim biography in urdu Born in Bukhara in present-day Uzbekistan, Al-Bukhari began learning hadith at a young age.
    Biografi imam muslim Biografi.
    Biografi al imam muslim biography pdf Imam al-Shaï¬ 'i was an influential Islamic scholar whose real name was Muhammad ibn Idris al-Shaï¬ 'i.
  • A Short Biography of Imam Muslim - The Muslim Vibe The full name of Imam Muslim is Abul Husain Muslim ibn Al-Hajjaj Al-Qushairi An-Naisaburi. He belonged to the Qushair tribe of the Arabs, an offshoot of the great clan of Rabi`ah. He was born in Nishapur in AH / CE or AH / CE.
  • BIOGRAFI AL-IMAM MUSLIM - Biografi Ulama Salaf Imam Muslim was blessed with a sharp intellect and before reaching the age of 15, he completed his study on the Prophetic Traditions under the leading local scholars in his hometown. At around Hijri when Imam Muslim was 14 years of age, he went to Makkah for Hajj.
  • Muslim ibn al-Ḥajjāj | Hadith Compiler, Traditionist ... Imam Muslim lived for 55 years and died on the evening of Sunday, 24 of Rajab, AH ( CE). Regarding the cause of his death, Adh-Dhahabi mentioned on the authority of Ahmad ibn Salamah “A gathering of knowledge and revision was held for Abu Al-Husayn Muslim ibn Al-Hajjaj (Imam Muslim) where a Hadith that he did not know was mentioned.

  • biografi al imam muslim biography

  • Imam muslim real name

    Imam Muslim adalah seorang ulama hadits yang terkenal. Ia memiliki peran besar dalam pengembangan disiplin ilmu hadits. Karyanya, Shahih Muslim yang lahir pada abad ke-3 H, menjadi rujukan utama para ulama dan kaum muslim, khususnya yang menaruh perhatian pada hadits hingga sekarang.
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    Al-Imam Al-’Allamah Al-Habib Abdullah bin Alwi bin Muhammad Al-Haddad (bahasa Arab: عبد الله بن علوي بن محمد الحداد), di lahirkan di Syubair di salah satu ujung Kota Tarim di provinsi Hadhramaut-Yaman pada tanggal 5 Safar tahun H. Beliau di besarkan di Kota Tarim dan di saat beliau berumur 4 tahun, beliau terkena penyakit cacar sehingga menyebabkan kedua mata.

      Imam muslim biography in urdu

    Ahli sejarah Islam berbeza pendapat tentang tarikh kelahiran dan kewafatan al-Imam Muslim. Al-Hafiz Ibnu Hajar al-‘Asqalani di dalam Taqrib at-Tahzib (), al-Imam Ibnu Katsir di dalam al-Bidayah Wa an-Nihayah (/34), al-Hafiz al-Khazraji di dalam Khulashoh Tahzib al-Kamal menyatakan bahawa al-Imam Muslim dilahirkan pada tahun H dan wafat pada tahun H.

    Imam muslim born in hijri

  • Adz Dzahabi dalam kitab Al ‘Uluw (/2) menyebutkan: “Diantara deretan ulama yang berkeyakinan tidak bolehnya menta’wilkan sifat-sifat Allah dan mereka beriman dengan sifat Al ‘Uluw di masa itu adalah (disebutkan nama-nama beberapa ulama) dan juga Al Imam Al Hujjah Muslim Ibnul Hajjaj Al Qusyairi yang menulis kitab Shahih Muslim.”.

  • Imam muslim real name
  • Imam muslim death

      Ia adalah Muslim bin Al-Hajjaj Al-Qusyairi An-Naisaburi, penyusun kitab Shahih Muslim. Sejak kecil, Imam Muslim bin Al-Hajjaj sudah mencintai ilmu hadits. Menurut catatan Adz-Dzahabi, Muslim bin Al-Hajjaj sudah mengumpulkan riwayat hadits sejak umur 12 tahun, tepatnya pada tahun H. (Syamsuddin Adz-Dzahabi, Tadzkiratul Huffazh, [Beirut.

    Imam muslim date of birth

    Namun karya terpentingnya adalah al-Musnad as-¢a¥³¥ al-Mukhta¡ar min as-Sunan bi Naql al-‘Adl ‘an Rasul Allah.[5] Kitab ini biasa diringkas dengan sebutan Sah³h Muslim. Imam Muslim wafat pada tanggal 25 Rajab tahun H di Nashr Abad, salah satu kampung di Naisabur dalam usia 55 tahun.[6].