Klaus kinkel biography

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Klaus Kinkel (17 December – 4 March ) [1] was a German statesman, civil servant, diplomat and lawyer who served as the minister of Foreign affairs (–) and the vice chancellor of Germany (–) in the government of Helmut Kohl.

Klaus Kinkel biography. Politician

Klaus Kinkel (17 December – 4 March ) was a German civil servant, lawyer, and politician. He was a member of the Free Democratic Party (FDP).
  • Klaus Kinkel - Wikiwand
  • Klaus Kinkel – Wikipedia
  • Klaus Kinkel – Wikipédia
  • Klaus Kinkel - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    1. Klaus Kinkel (17 December 1936 – 4 March 2019) was a German statesman, civil servant, diplomat and lawyer who served as the minister of Foreign affairs (1992–1998) and the vice chancellor of Germany (1993–1998) in the government of Helmut Kohl.
    Klaus Kinkel war ein deutscher Politiker und Jurist. Von 19war er Präsident des Bundesnachrichtendienstes, von 19Bundesminister der Justiz, von 19Bundesminister des Auswärtigen, von 19Vizekanzler und von 19Bundesvorsitzender der FDP.
      Klaus Kinkel was a German statesman, civil servant, diplomat and lawyer who served as the minister of Foreign affairs and the vice chancellor of Germany in the government of Helmut Kohl.
    Former German Foreign Minister Klaus Kinkel has died at the age of Kinkel served as Germany’s top diplomat from to , and was leader of the business-friendly Free Democratic Party.

    Former German Foreign Minister Kinkel dies age 82 - DW

  • Kinkel's political career began in the government of Helmut Kohl, where he served as Vice-Chancellor and Minister of Foreign Affairs from to During his time in office, he played a key role in shaping Germany's foreign policy and represented the country on various international platforms.
  • Former German Foreign Minister Kinkel dies age 82 - DW
  • Joschka Fischer

    Spy chief, justice minister, foreign minister, vice chancellor – and more: Klaus Kinkel enjoyed a long and distinguished political career. On Monday, he died at the age of As DW writes, Telegrafi reports, Kinkel served as Germany's highest diplomat from to

  • Klaus Kinkel - Wikipedia Klaus Kinkel, född 17 december i Metzingen i Baden-Württemberg, död 4 mars i Sankt Augustin i Nordrhein-Westfalen, [10] var en tysk politiker som tillhörde partiet FDP. Han var från till tysk justitieminister, från till tysk utrikesminister och från till vice förbundskansler.
  • Headquarters of the Federal Intelligence Service - Wikipedia Klaus Kinkel ( joulukuuta Metzingen [1] – 4. maaliskuuta Sankt Augustin [2]) oli saksalainen poliitikko ja maansa entinen ulkoministeri. Hän edusti Vapaita demokraatteja (FDP). Kinkel oli asianajaja ja Telekom -säätiön puheenjohtaja.
  • Wolfgang Gerhardt The complex was designed by the architect firm Kleihues + Kleihues. Construction started in and was completed in With , m 2 ( million ft²), it is the world's largest intelligence headquarters, somewhat bigger than the CIA headquarters at Langley, and around 4, people work there.

  • klaus kinkel biography
  • Hans-Dietrich Genscher

      Klaus Kinkel (Metzingen, december – Sankt Augustin, március 4.) német szabaddemokrata politikus, ügyvéd, a Bundestag tagja, igazságügy.

    Klaus Kinkel – Wikipedija

    Chairman of the FDP () Q) From Wikidata.

    Klaus kinkel biography Klaus Kinkel (17 December 1936 – 4 March 2019) was a German civil servant, lawyer, and politician.
    Klaus kinski Klaus Kinkel was born in Metzingen, Baden-Wurttemberg, Nazi Germany in 1936 to a Catholic family.
    Klaus Kinkel.
    The German FDP politician and lawyer Klaus Kinkel, (17.

      Klaus Kinkel - Wikidata

    Klaus Kinkel (Metzingen, prosinca – Sankt Augustin, 4. ožujka ), njemački odvjetnik i političar, dokancelar Njemačke i ministar vanjskih poslova u Vladi Helmuta Kohla. Obnašao je i dužnosti ministra pravosuđa, predsjednika Federalne obavještajne službe [1] i predsjednika Slobodne demokratske stranke.